Spending More Time Outdoors in 2023 Could Lead to an Unexpected Benefit


Getting a little fresh air is almost always a good idea. Spending time outdoors can help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall well-being. Whether you go for a walk in the park or tend to your garden, spending more time outside can be beneficial to seniors in particular.

Get Outdoors and Reap the Benefits

AARP reports that a recent study shows a clear correlation between spending more time outdoors and fewer medications needed to treat chronic conditions. Why?

The natural environment offers a variety of subtle but important physiological and psychological benefits that can help seniors reduce or even eliminate their need for certain medications.

For example, those who visited a park or other type of green space three to four times a week were 36 percent less likely to need to take blood pressure medications. And this benefit isn’t correlated to simply living in an area with more green spaces; actively visiting the green space was more beneficial for reducing medication needs.

Staying active in retirement is important for everyone, but combining physical activity with natural, outdoor settings can be especially beneficial for seniors. It’s important to find a way to get outside that you enjoy, too. Whether it’s gardening, bird watching, or taking a leisurely walk with friends, seniors who spend more time outdoors can reap the rewards of improved health and a greater sense of well-being.

Is there a favorite outdoor activity you enjoy? Let The Seniors Center know in the comments below! And we invite you to follow us on Twitter and Facebook so you never miss a post.