Social Security Offices Set to Finally Open After Nearly Two Years

social security office open

On March 17, 2020, Social Security offices shut their doors. However, as early as this week, these offices could reopen. For seniors navigating issues with their benefits, this comes as welcome news.

While the Social Security administration pivoted to helping Americans remotely, calling or going online to resolve issues isn’t always the simplest option.

According to AARP, an SSA spokesperson has noted that they “know that those options do not work for everyone.” Having the option to visit open Social Security offices will help more retirees receive the benefits they deserve.

The Seniors Center wants all older Americans to have confidence in Social Security. You’ve worked hard for your benefits, and the funds in the Social Security Trust Fund should be protected. If you agree, sign our online petition today! And follow The Seniors Center on Twitter and Facebook for all of our updates.