Social Security Definitions: What is a Representative Payee?


Social Security is a massive program, with numerous components that can be challenging to understand. One of these is the Representative Payee program, which provides financial support to those who are unable to manage their own money.

According to the Social Security Administration, a “representative payee” is a person or organization assigned to receive Social Security and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments on behalf of someone who can’t manage them on their own. This may be due to a variety of factors, including age, disability, or mental impairment.

A representative payee is responsible for using the money received on behalf of a beneficiary for their current and foreseeable needs. This includes food, shelter, clothing, utilities, and any medical expenses or other costs of living.

The representative payee is also responsible for keeping accurate records of the money that is received and spent. If, at the end of a year, there is money left over, it must be reported to the Social Security Administration in order to make sure the beneficiary’s benefits are not reduced or stopped.

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