
2 Common Errors People Make in Social Security Discussions

It’s the philosopher Confucious who is credited with saying “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.” This adage is definitely true when it comes to Social Security discussions.

For all the complexities this program has in terms of its rules, its purpose is very straightforward. However, this simplicity has been somewhat lost throughout the decades. The good news? We can bring it back, together.

Today we’ll cover a couple of important points to remember when discussing Social Security. This goes for policymaker discussions, as well as those done by independent organizations like ours and even discussions in casual conversations.

Do You Make These Mistakes When Talking About Social Security?

It’s no crime to make a mistake in a discussion, even when it comes to an important topic like Social Security. What’s important is that we correct our errors, so this crucial program can be understood with clarity.

The first mistake some people often make is to consider Social Security as a gift. It’s often called “welfare,” a “handout,” or even a “reward.” While retirement should be rewarding, Social Security benefits are something that seniors have fairly earned. By paying into the program, they’ve transferred their own hard-earned money, and deserve to be paid back.

This brings us to the second common error. Since people have already put their money into this program, there should be no debate about them getting it back. While many people look at Social Security as another budget item that Washington should fund, the truth is that this program is a Trust Fund. Treating it as such would secure the future of retirement.

These common errors are easy to make. Whether they slip out in legislative discussions or casual conversations, it’s important to correct them. We hope you’ll follow us for more content like this.
