How to Take Action on Saving Social Security

saving social security

Since Social Security’s inception, the program has been a lifeline for millions of Americans — especially seniors. But now, the solvency of Social Security is in danger. However, The Seniors Center is taking action. We’re calling on Congress to pass legislation that will extend the life of Social Security, saving it and making it solvent for future generations. But we need your help! Here are three ways you can take action:

  1. Add your name to one of our petitions – Make your voice heard by quickly signing our online petitions to tell our nation’s lawmakers how important these issues are.
  2. Contact your elected officials – Let your voice be heard by contacting your senators and representatives and urging them to take action on this issue.
  3. Share this information with others – Help spread the word by sharing this blog post and our petitions with your friends and family on Twitter and Facebook.

Saving Social Security is possible. So take action today!