Senior Citizens at a music festival

Working Together to Save Our Social Security Trust Fund

Nearly 350,000 people have signed The Seniors Center Petition to stop the raid on the Social Security Trust Fund.  And that’s just the beginning of this amazing grassroots campaign that has brought together senior citizens from every Congressional district in America.  We’re speaking with one voice.  Senior Citizens are making it clear to Congress: It’s time to pay back our Social Security Trust Fund…Please get involved… We need your help.  The Seniors Center has a huge community online.  These are the steps you can take to Save Our Trust Fund:

  1. Join The Seniors Center on Facebook. Our community of 14,248 senior citizens share information about Social Security and organize petition drives, phone call campaigns, and hold Congress accountable.
  2. We also have a group on Facebook for The Seniors Center leaders.  This is where our key grassroots leaders share information best practices:
  3. TheSeniors.Center has our most up to date information on Social Security policy.
  4. Did you know that The Seniors Center has its very own channel on YouTube?  Check it out here:
  5. The Seniors Center blog is a great resource for information and scams, schemes, and frauds targeting senior citizens.
  6. Follow The Seniors Center on Twitter.
  7. If you work for Google, you’ll want to visit our Google Business and Google Plus pages.
  8. Visit The Seniors Center Portal for links to our entire online community.
  9. The Seniors Center President Dan Perrin answers questions about Social Security on Quora.