
Social Security Clawback Targets Woman Over Error on Brother’s Account

We’ve talked about the problem of Social Security clawbacks extensively. This problem has left seniors frustrated, stressed, and even financially destitute to the point of homelessness.

Typically, the Social Security Administration (SSA) overpays a senior, who remains unaware of the error. Subsequently, they receive instructions to repay the money, causing a financial bind. The SSA has made efforts to correct these issues. However, a Maryland woman is facing a very frustrating problem.

This woman received a notice that her late brother was paid nearly $9,000 more than he should have in supplemental security income (SSI). She, as his representative payee, is now on the hook for paying back the money — and it’s being taken from her own Social Security check! This $233 monthly penalty is a lot to lose, especially for someone who worked nearly four decades in the school system to earn their retirement.

What do you think about this issue? Let us know in the comments.
