We are calling on ALL The Seniors Center members to join us in reaching out to every Senator and House Representative on a MASSIVE scale. And we need YOUR help to reach our goal of 200,000 members emailing their representatives.
It has been two weeks since we published our Email Your Congressmen campaign. Since then, our supporters and their friends have sent over two THOUSAND emails to their representatives demanding immediate action to repair Social Security’s looming shortfall.
We’re over the moon that you guys have already managed to contact representatives of every single Congressional district in the United States–and you did it in the first 24 hours! We can’t thank you enough for lending your voices to this campaign.
But so far, only 819 of our online members have participated. And while that’s nothing to scoff at, we’re going to need a whole lot more seniors and voters reaching out to really make waves in every district.
With over 224,000 online followers and members alone, if every The Seniors Center online supporter joins us in this campaign, we can send nearly 700 THOUSAND emails to Congress.
If we divide that number by every Congressional district, that’s well over a thousand emails in every Senator and House Representative’s inbox. One thousand seniors. One thousand retirees. And most importantly, one thousand voters with the power to determine the outcome of elections in their districts. There’s NO WAY our legislators can ignore that kind of outreach.
If you’ve already participated: THANK YOU! Your time and voice in this campaign is critical. Right now, you may be one of only a few people in your district that has reached out to your legislators. Your advocacy MATTERS. Thank you so much.
If you haven’t yet participated–or if this is your first time hearing about our campaign–we strongly encourage you to head over to our Email Your Congressmen tool to join in!
Our tool uses just a few pieces of your information to connect you with your district and your direct representatives. We’ve written an email on behalf of all seniors and beneficiaries urging elected officials to act on preventing the financial shortfall set to seriously affect Social Security’s ability to pay full scheduled benefits by 2034.

This problem is NOT some far-fetched fear–it is a mathematical and social REALITY. With no legislative intervention by 2034–just THIRTEEN YEARS from now–Social Security will be fiscally UNABLE to pay the full scheduled Social Security benefits for every retiree. This WILL result in MANDATORY cuts to EVERY beneficiary’s checks by about 25%. The vast majority of beneficiaries depend on their benefits for at least 90% of their retirement income.
A 25% cut would plunge HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of retirees into poverty. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not wild conjecture. This. Is. Reality.
The best thing YOU can do RIGHT NOW to force your legislators to take action is to leverage YOUR power as a voter in their district by reaching out directly to demand immediate attention to this issue. And you can do that in just five minutes by using our tool and joining us in our campaign.
Our goal is to have at least 200,000 of our supporters use this tool. That’s roughly 600,000 emails to Congress. We know we have the supporters to do it. And we know you guys can do it.
Please. If you haven’t joined in already, click the button below and send an email to your Congressmen right now. Your email could be the very next thing your legislator sees today. Your email could be the one that puts Social Security insolvency at the top of their concern list. America’s seniors are depending on you.