For seniors, updates to Social Security aren’t always good news. The looming insolvency of the Social Security Trust Fund and ensuing benefits cuts, for example, are cause for concern.
However, one recent change to the program will make life easier for retirees: new Social Security statements.
These statements, which at one point were exclusively sent through the mail, are available online. According to the Washington Post, the new updates involve streamlining the statements, literally cutting their length in half. By checking your Social Security statements regularly, you’ll keep up with how much to expect each month and any issues with your benefits.
Many seniors don’t take advantage of this resource. So sign up online for a “my Social Security” account to begin checking your statements whenever you want.
At The Seniors Center, we want seniors to receive all of their hard-earned benefits. Staying on top of your statements can help you avoid any issues. We’re calling on Congress to pass the Social Security Lock-Box Act—sign our petition today if you agree that Washington politicians should keep their hands out of this program.