A new bill could lead to positive updates for Social Security. This bill, called the Social Security 2100 Act, has bipartisan support and is designed to boost benefits for low-income workers and tie cost-of-living adjustments to a new index. Ultimately, this will would also extend how long the trust fund will last. It would do this by raising the amount that high-income earners contribute. A range of other small updates would improve aspects of the program like wait times for disability benefits and whether those with pensions can receive Social Security.
Seniors should be able to have faith in Social Security. At The Seniors Center, we’re calling on Congress to take action by passing a simple bill: the Social Security Lock-Box Act. This bill would protect the funds in the Social Security trust fund. If you’re ready to see change, take action today. Sign our online petition, then follow The Seniors Center on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated.