‘Let’s Stand Up for Seniors’: How the State of the Union Put Retirees in the Spotlight


In President Biden’s second State of the Union address, which took place on February 7th, he covered a wide range of topics and issues that matter to Americans. From fentanyl overdoses to economic struggles, his message was sure to have connected with Americans who are facing challenging times.

But perhaps the most important part of his address was dedicated to highlighting the struggles and triumphs of America’s seniors.

‘Let’s Stand Up for Seniors’

One of the most poignant parts of his Tuesday message focused on retirees—specifically, on their retirement benefits.

Cuts to either Social Security or Medicare are “off the books,” according to AARP. Biden promised in his speech that seniors will never see cuts to these programs during his tenure and that the budget he’s proposing will fund Medicare for the next two decades.

For seniors who are concerned that Washington is cutting their benefits, Biden’s reassurance is sure to be a welcome relief. With applause from both sides of the aisle in response to this statement, there is renewed hope that seniors will continue to receive the benefits they’re owed.

The Seniors Center: Calling on Congress for Change

At The Seniors Center, we believe that the state of our union for seniors should be as strong and resilient as it is for every other American. We’re calling on Congress to make our three-step plan to fix Social Security solvency a reality. While promises to not make cuts to the program are welcome, we need to make sure that retirees are not only receiving the benefits they are owed today but also in decades to come.

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