It’s more clear than ever—Congress needs to take action on legislation that will fix Social Security! It’s been a long time since any bill was passed to shore up the system, and it is in dire need of legislation now that will ensure it can remain strong and viable for generations to come.
The Seniors Center is supporting two bills that could make a difference: The Social Security TRUST Act and Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust. Both of these aim to fix the long-term solvency of Social Security as well as increase benefits and strengthen the system overall.
While these bills have been introduced in Congress, they have yet to be brought up for a vote. It is time for Congress to take action on legislation that will ensure Social Security will remain strong and viable for generations to come.
What’s needed to move these bills forward?
We need Congress to listen to their constituents and recognize the importance of legislation that will protect Social Security. Make your voice heard today by signing our online petitions or writing directly to your representatives. Together, we can make a difference and ensure Social Security remains strong for all of us.
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