
Retirement Savings Are Shockingly Low for Those Near Retirement

A recent survey from Prudential and Next Avenue highlights a shocking fact about retirement savings.

The survey targeted individuals around the age of 55. Those surveyed had, on average, $50,000 or less in retirement savings. That’s only about an eighth or a tenth of what experts recommend at this age.

Being so close to retirement without substantial savings creates a tough situation. Of course, for many people, they work hard and save responsibly, but it’s tough to get ahead. What’s the solution? One answer could be improving Social Security. This means restoring the Trust Fund, and also scrapping the tax cap.

Help The Seniors Center Protect the Future of Social Security

The Seniors Center is committed to finding solutions to strengthen and protect the Social Security Trust Fund. Social Security is a contract between citizens and the government. Money deposited in the Trust Fund should only be used to pay benefits to eligible recipients.

The Seniors Center is demanding Congress finally put a stop to the careless borrowing and spending by greedy politicians that has put our Trust Fund and our secure retirement in jeopardy.

At The Seniors Center, our goal is to help seniors, and we’re doing that by protecting the future of Social Security. Retirees shouldn’t have to worry about losing their hard-earned benefits to taxes or the agendas of greedy politicians. If you agree, we invite you to sign our petition today! And follow The Seniors Center on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!