Debates in Congress over raising the debt ceiling have reached a fever pitch, with both sides of the aisle struggling to come up with an agreement. If an agreement is not reached, the U.S. could default on its debt and this could have serious implications for Social Security.
According to USA Today, there are a number of ways that defaulting on the debt could affect Americans. From delayed tax refunds to impacts on 401(k) plans, the consequences of defaulting on the debt could be wide-reaching and dire.
The most troubling consequence of a potential U.S. debt default for Social Security beneficiaries could be reduced or delayed benefits. Social Security benefits are paid out of the trust funds that are invested in Treasury bonds. If the U.S. defaults on its debt, this could mean that the trust funds are not able to make timely payments, leading to reduced or delayed benefits for recipients.
One way to help prevent a debt default? Make your voice heard. Reach out to your representatives and let them know how important Social Security is to you, and urge them to come to an agreement that avoids default. Seniors deserve every chance to enjoy their retirement with the peace of mind that Social Security can provide. The Seniors Center is here to ensure your elected representatives hear your message loud and clear!
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