Rita Golden Gelman: a female nomad living at large in the world

I don’t make a lot of plans. I go with the flow. If you make plans, they often get in the way of unexpected invitations. Imagine for a minute the world. Put a pin on the spot where you live, and take a look at the rest of the world. The continents, the oceans, the islands. Imagine what’s going on in other cultures. The art, the dance, the songs, the people you’ll never meet, the experiences you’ll never have if you don’t get out of your dot.

Rita Golden Gelman, author of Tales of a Female Nomad, Living at Large in the World (and over 70 other books!!), is a citizen of the world. She owns almost no possessions and has spent the last 27 years traveling to places most of us can only dream of.

She is now 80 years old.  And she’s still traveling the world.

In this TEDx talk, Rita talks about the importance of cultural immersion and travel, and her own experiences using trust to overcome the apprehension of diving into a new adventure.

To learn more about Rita and her amazing travels, visit her blog at http://www.ritagoldengelman.com.