
Ask Dan: Is Social Security Going Away?

There’s a lot of pessimism when it comes to discussions about Social Security.

We as Americans have a right to be skeptical, critical, and even frustrated about the mismanagement of this program. Some people are so down on the future of the program that they wonder — is it going away?

For answers on this, we turn to Dan Perrin, founder of The Seniors Center. He said:

“First, I want to make it very clear that Social Security isn’t going anywhere. Social Security is one of the most successful social programs in American history. Social Security is extremely popular with Democrats, Republicans, and independents. I believe Social Security will continue long after my grandchildren retire.”

He did make it clear that we’re right to be concerned about insolvency. But the fact that the program can be saved and fixed is all the more reason to keep up the good fight.

Help The Seniors Center Protect the Future of Social Security

The Seniors Center is committed to finding solutions to strengthen and protect the Social Security Trust Fund. Social Security is a contract between citizens and the government. Money deposited in the Trust Fund should only be used to pay benefits to eligible recipients.

The Seniors Center is demanding Congress finally put a stop to the careless borrowing and spending by greedy politicians that has put our Trust Fund and our secure retirement in jeopardy.

At The Seniors Center, our goal is to help seniors, and we’re doing that by protecting the future of Social Security. Retirees shouldn’t have to worry about losing their hard-earned benefits to taxes or the agendas of greedy politicians. If you agree, we invite you to sign our petition today! And follow The Seniors Center on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!