Our dive into the history of Social Security continues with a look at Social Security numbers and the first trust fund for the program.
Category: Featured Post
The ‘Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022’ Sweeps the House
The Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022 could help more Americans reach financial security in retirement.
Increase to the Full Retirement Age ‘Just a Benefit Cut’
Seniors could see an increase to the full retirement age used to determine Social Security payouts, but this could be a sneaky benefits cut.
How a 24% Cut to Social Security Benefits Would Affect Seniors
A 24% cut to Social Security benefits is what seniors could be facing as the program’s trust fund runs out. We’re working to protect it.
The History of Social Security Part 3: The Development of the Social Security Act
The Social Security Act, which was passed in 1935, marked an important step in addressing the problem of economic insecurity.